Thursday 5 March 2009

Belated return and Spain's 2010-2020 carbon strategy

Since the last time I wrote, I've traveled to Ireland with the Edinburgh uni kendo team winning a bronze medal in the team's event, written an essay critiqing the Spanish Renewable Energy Plan 2010-20, did a presentation on the Spanish fashion company Zara for corporate strategy, and to finish off the Spanish flavour, just completed a presentation today on a carbon reduction strategy for Spain 2010-2020.

I'm really proud of our team for the Spanish presentation, I thought we did a fantastic job. It certaintly helped me understand the details and intricacies of the renewable energy sector, especially costs. Too often we are misled by overly optimistic, self-indulging articles espousing the potential of renewables. What I've discovered is that even if electricity generation costs were competitive with fossil fuels, renewables face other inefficiencies that make them a danger to energy security. Wind for example only has capacity factors of 0.2-0.3 and CSP only up to 56%, with heat storage unproven at commercial scale. Don't even think about Solar PVs...

I'm not saying I'm not in favour of renewables, but ppl who support them should also understand fully its drawbacks and why rational decision makers have not adopted them.

Here is a link to our presentation for those who are interested.