Tuesday 3 February 2009

Family time at Mussel Inn

Since moving to Australia, I've never had the chance to know my cousins well, let alone develop any sort of close friendships or bonds. Even when I went back to Taiwan, it was a pity to always feel a disconnection between the lives of my cousins and myself.

So when I found out that I had a cousin living in Scotland, I was a bit confused at first. I wasn't used to contacting relatives of my own initative and helping each other, but my past experiences gave me extra impetus to try to get to know her well.

Cousin Josie is the daughter of one of my mum's old sisters, and has been well settled in Scotland for more than 5 years with her French partner. Dr. Josie is also a computer engineer who obtained her PHD in Glasgow university and this year started work in Edinburgh University as a computer systems manager. We've already met 3 times, and she's been so wonderful and caring. Simple things like the weather, where to buy certain foods, and what medicines to get for the flu. On each occasion I waved goodbye carrying some food or gifts home. It's really great to know you have family in a faraway land.

Tonight, cousin Josie treated me to a dinner at Mussel Inn, one of most well known and popular restaurants in Edinburgh. It's famous for its "kilo-pot" mussels, steamed in range of appetizing sauces including Dijon mustard cream, Moroccan and Red Pepper, and coupled with unlimited bread. The food was simply amazing!

When I ate, I wondered if these delicious mussels were wild or farmed. After checking I was quite relieved to know that the mussels appear to be captured through sustainable farming.

Felt really guilty as the bill racked up to something like GBP38, though it included half bottle of white wine as well as starters. Reminded me of the time when mum and dad visited me during my working stint in Japan, and I treated them to lunches and dinners. I was never concerned about the money, just happy that I had the capacity and opportunity to treat my parents. Thanks again cousin Josie, next time will be my shout!

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