Wednesday 20 January 2010

Cap and Trade is dead, and I'm Glad

Cap and Trade in the US is dead for 2010, and most likely forever, following the election of a Republican today in the seat vacated by the late Ted Kennedy. This means the democrats no longer hold a super majority of 60 seats (60 to 59) in the senate, therefore making their health and climate reforms that much harder to pass. It isn't really that the one seat will make all the difference, just that Kennedy's was such a safe democrat seat that the democrats will be gun shy to put out any unpopular bills, especially one as complicated and contentious (1000+ pages) as the cap and trade.

I'm glad the cap and trade is dead. Originally I had been in favour of it but now i just don't see the point. The whole argument behind cap and trade was that it would be more politically acceptable to the public than a tax, which has been proven blatantly wrong. Second argument is that it guarantees year on year reductions in GHG, whereas the tax doesn't. Well, since when did the US ever cared about GHG reductions anyway. If anything can actually get the climate agenda moving, it would be worlds better than endless talk over insignificant GHG reductions.

So goodbye cap and trade...and hello....something else....anything!

I'm really loving living and working in London. It's not that I love the city...I really don't. For example, I've boycotted the tube because they've hiked up the price twice in a month...and the service and conditions has gotten worse and worse. One time, my friend even vomitted in the tube....I really don't blame him because it's so stuffy inside. I've also been fined 25 pounds on a bus because I had forgotten to swipe in (it was freezing and snowing that morning, I was off in my own little world).

This week, I started wearing sneakers to work, leaving my boots in the office to change when I come in. It then ocurred to me I didn't really need to bring a bag either. So today, I just ended up jogging home. It took just 35 minutes, and was really relaxing actually. Happy to say that my two legs was more efficient than both the tube and the bus, as I arrived home at 6:10pm, which is the earliest ever since coming to London.

I really love the freedom I have to do whatever I please. This would be unthinkable during my times in Osaka.

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